Basketball (Sunday Social 5v5) - Fall 2020

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Please post respectfully.

Schedule changes?

Schedule says there is this week left and Jan 3rd is playoffs. Is this correct?
If not, how many more regular seasons games and what days do we play those? And when does playoffs start?


No correction. That’s how this league is. Games are always back-to-back. We’ve had times with no subs on these games.

Didn’t read the rules

First time in this league.

Read the format rules. Now I see why we play 30 minutes apart. Haha

4 & 4:30pm game times

I’m curious on the error that we play back-to-back games on courts 1 & 2, 30 minutes apart??? I mean, I’d love to play twice but this looks insane for 7-8 players on our roster haha. Could we get a correction please.

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