eSports Standings

eSports- Super Smash Bros. Late Spring 2020

  Team Wins Losses Draws Set W/L
1   Fuze 4 0 0 12
2   MarkFinn 4 0 0 10
3   Mettle 3 1 0 7
4   Cote Barber 3 1 0 5
5   Lambyfries 3 1 0 5
6   DTank 2 2 0 2
7   ISighTt 2 2 0 0
8   PK fire 1 3 0 -5
9   Keyblades Requiem 1 3 0 -7
10   Jammin 1 3 0 -8
11   Ryan 0 4 0 -10
12   AyeAyeRon 0 4 0 -11
How are Standings Calculated?
Winning %, Point Differential, H2H
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.