eSports Standings

eSports- Rocket League Late Spring 2020

  Team Wins Losses Draws Set W/L
1   Lick My Bag 5 1 0 11
2   Setsy and We Know It 5 1 0 10
3   We Only Demo 4 1 0 10
4   Saucy Spicy Meatballs 4 1 0 10
5   Charmin Ultra Soft 4 1 0 9
6   Middle Class Dads 4 1 0 9
7   Not Even Doom Music 5 2 0 8
8   Prosperous Young Kings 3 3 0 2
9   Dingleberry Dynasty 2 3 0 -3
10   The Silent Strokers 1 2 1 -3
11   Eclipsed 1 2 1 -3
12   It's a thing 1 2 1 -4
13   OldGuys365 1 3 0 -6
14   BangGang 0 3 1 -9
15   Team Otto 0 3 1 -9
16   Long Shotz 0 3 1 -9
17   Done Lewis LLC 0 4 0 -11
18   Just the tip 0 4 0 -12
How are Standings Calculated?
Winning %, Point Differential, H2H
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.